Author: das_user

Japanese Translation of the DAS available

The Japanese translation of the self-rated Dimensional Apathy Scale (DAS) has now been published in the Journal Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. The paper and Japanese version of the self-rated DAS can be found here. As the first apathy subtype measure to be translated and validated in the Japanese language, it further enables for assessment of multidimensional apathy across different cultures.

Validation of the brief DAS (b-DAS) published and available

The brief Dimensional Apathy Scale (b-DAS) has been validated for use and recently published in Journal Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. The paper can be found here. It shows excellent convergent and divergent validity against comparable measures and the original informant/carer-rated DAS. Further, it highlights the association apathy subtypes awareness and cognitive functioning.

The b-DAS is available on the website and can be downloaded, along with ‘Frequent Asked Questions’, on the b-DAS page.

brief Dimensional Apathy Scale (b-DAS) published and available

The brief Dimensional Apathy Scale (b-DAS) has recently been published in Journal The Clinical Neuropsychologist and the paper can be found here. This is a quick and comprehensive informant/carer-based tool for assessment of apathy subtypes in clinical and research settings, with published clinical cutoffs.

The b-DAS is now also available on the website and can be downloaded, along with ‘Frequent Asked Questions’, on the b-DAS page.

Apathy Subtype Research at the International Symposium on ALS/MND 2018, Glasgow

This year the 29th International Symposium on ALS/MND 2018 is held in Glasgow, United Kingdom at the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) Centre. Come and hear about the latest apathy subtype research in ALS/MND.

There is one platform oral presentation relating to apathy subtype research:

Platform: ‘Apathy subtypes, quality of life, wellbeing and caregiver burden in motor neurone disease’ (#C53) in Session 6B Quality of Life and Support Session in Hall 2 at 12.10 on Saturday 8th December

Poster: ‘Reliability and Validity of the brief Dimensional Apathy Scale (bDAS)’ (COG-12) in Poster Session B in Hall 4 at 17.45 to 20.00 on Saturday 8th December

Further information about this years Symposium can be found on the MND Association website.



Welcome to the DAS website!

Welcome to the Dimensional Apathy Scale website!

Here you can find anything relating to the DAS instruments, information about use and administration, publications as well as future developments and events.

If you have any questions or queries, contact details can be found here.